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Birth Story of Ryleigh - Baby Photography Brisbane

It's been 3 and half months since our daughter Ryleigh was born and I've been meaning to write down her birth story but with three kids life is very busy now. But I've finally found some time to get it all done!

So we announced our pregnancy last year with the help of our bigger two girls Molly and Ally who were just ecstatic at the idea of being big sisters. Molly wanted a brother and Ally wanted a sister. Being my third pregnancy there was no hiding this baby bump and at 6 weeks I had a tiny rockmelon size belly!

Baby Photography Brisbane

I am one of those unfortunate women who gain a lot of weight whilst pregnant and third time round was no exception, 25kgs! But it's all coming off now thankfully and I'm not far off my pre-pregnancy weight!

Baby Photography Brisbane

We found out the gender of all our pregnancies and my partner Cody was right every time. I had two very similar pregnancies with our first two but with Ryleigh I was sure she was a boy because I was sick and just had very different symptoms. But sure enough another little girl was joining us and we announced it to the girls with a cupcake reveal. They were both happy but Molly had hoped for a brother. Ally just couldn't wait for someone to play Barbies with her!

Baby Photography Brisbane

Baby Photography Brisbane

On the 14th October 2019 we welcomed our third daughter Ryleigh Marie. After a very quick labour she came into the world at 1:11am. Whilst I have given birth twice before this it was definitely a new experience for me as it was too quick for any pain medication to work. Still it hasn't put me off I really enjoyed her birth and I'm not sure I'll ever get tired of having that fresh little baby placed on your chest for the first time.

We had an amazing Midwife whose name was also Ally and I also had my partner Cody and my mum with me. My mum took these photos of Ryleigh's birth, she also did Ally's birth too! I wanted my birth to be private but I also wanted some beautiful photos to look back on. She did a great job.

Baby Photography Brisbane

Baby Photography Brisbane

The girls came up to meet her in the hospital and just couldn't believe after all that time she was finally here. They were so smitten and our eldest girl Molly cried when she met her because she thought she was just so beautiful! She has been like a second mum to Ryleigh, helping out whenever she can and always wanting to hold her. Ally's love is growing she was a bit disappointed that she couldn't play straight away and that mummy was now busy with a new baby.

Baby Photography Brisbane

Baby Photography Brisbane

I'll admit, I went into this pregnancy thinking three kids would be a breeze! Jumping from two to three was so much harder then I anticipated especially for our middle daughter Ally. It's very much a juggling act to give them all enough attention and get everything else done but we are getting there. There is definitely a lot of love to go round so I think we will be into our new routine in no time.

Baby Photography Brisbane

Baby Photography Brisbane

Baby Photography Brisbane

And now at 3 months Ryleigh is smiling, giggling and all about her hands! She loves to dribble, spit and blow raspberries. she still isn't quite sure of this peek-a-boo game everyone tries on her but I'm sure she will grow to love it. Her face lights up when daddy gets home, and when she sees her big sisters. She loathes the car and lets us know as soon as she gets in till we get to our destination.. even if it's only 5 minutes down the road to the corner store.

Baby Photography Brisbane

Baby Photography Brisbane

Molly was diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome and ADHD just before Ryleigh was born and I was really worried how she would cope with a new baby. But she has been a beautiful big sister and just adores her so much.

Baby Photography Brisbane

Baby Photography Brisbane

She is our smiling sunshine and fits into our family so perfectly. I don't know if she is our last baby but I'm cherishing every moment with her because I know it goes by so fast. I love seeing her grow and change but I also want to keep her this little forever!


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Studio - Regents Park 4118

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